Get Absolutely Awesome Abs!
By Shana Daniels, Fitness Expert and
2002 Ms. Fitness CA,b.s. Sports Science
the #1 body part that most people want to tone up and for a good
reason- it’s the center of our bodies-a focal point. It’s also very
important to have a strong “core” (abs and lower back) for everyday
order to train your midsection most effectively it’s important to
understand that the real muscles responsible for flattening the abs
are not the rectus-abdominals-the proverbial “6-pack”, but the
deeper muscles of the transverse abdominals that lie beneath it.
You can feel these muscles if you’re on your back with knees bent
and place two fingers inside your hip bones and cough. Now try to
contract them without coughing by breathing in deeply, relaxing the
abs, then exhale drawing in your navel down towards the floor. Hold
this contraction 5-10 seconds. It takes focus and practice but it’s
well worth the effort. If you include this in your routine ab work,
you’ll reap the results twice as quickly. Go slow using good form
and hold each contraction a moment. Even though the abs contract as
a unit, you can place more emphasis on certain areas so try and hit
the lower, obliques, and upper abs. Remember, its quality not
quantity. These are the only muscles that can be worked everyday
without “overtraining”, so break out your “six-pack” for summer by
training smart!
For more
information on fitness contact Shana Daniels at
or to find out more about her 12 week Body & Life Make-over
Challenge visit her website: