- Super Spectrim Company Information
To empower all to achieve health and happiness!
Motto: Youth, Health, Vitality, Happiness
Description: Established in 1982 by Dr. Carlin C.
Venus and Carol H. Venus, RN, Super Spectrim is dedicated to helping all live
healthy and happy lives by providing affordable high-quality nutritional
products. We are passionate about treating every customer like a friend.
Multi-Vitamin and Mineral was orginally developed by the creator of Time-Release
to increase the absorption of nutrients resulting in optimum immune system
function. It was later modified and is endorsed by David Boska M.D., former
U.S. Astronauts Medical Doctor. His aim is to help humanity with
Super Spectrim's
formula for his personal patients and anyone who has the desire to improve their
Carol Venus, RN
President and Owner of Super Spectrim